December 30, 2022

What Travel Vaccines Do I Need to Travel to India?

travel vaccines India in Manchester

Are you planning to visit India? Make sure you visit the pharmacy at least 6 to 8 weeks before your trip and get all the necessary travel vaccinations for India. India is rich in historical sites like the Taj Mahal and Golden Temple, intriguing local cuisines, and life-changing experiences. It is also geographically and culturally varied. However, there are a number of ailments that you may contract in India that could easily sour what would otherwise be a fantastic trip! Continue reading to find out about the travel vaccines you need for India in Manchester.

Travel vaccines for India

It’s recommended that you start your vaccinations 4 to 6 weeks prior to your anticipated departure. This will give the vaccines more time to take effect. It’s also crucial to start taking medications as a preventative measure for illnesses like malaria, for which there is no vaccine.

Below are some of the immunisations you may need before visiting India:

Hepatitis A

The hepatitis A disease is mainly spread through contaminated food and water. It is more prevalent in India and as a result, vaccination is highly recommended.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B infection is not very common in India. Hepatitis B is a viral infection that can be transmitted by coming into contact with bodily fluids like blood. This indicates that you might become exposed as a result of:

– Sexual activity
– Seeking medical care
– Using drugs recreationally
– Getting involved in an accident

If you have never had the vaccine, it is imperative that you do so before travelling to ensure that you stay protected.

travel vaccines India in Manchester

Vaccination for typhoid fever

Typhoid fever has a high mortality rate. It’s mainly caused by bacteria. The disease can result from consuming contaminated food or water.

It is recommended that travellers who are going to Southern Asia, notably India, get vaccinated against typhoid. This is important especially if you plan to visit isolated areas or stay in small towns.

Japanese encephalitis

India is reported to have the viral illness known as Japanese encephalitis. It is transmitted by a mosquito bite. The disease has a significant rate of mortality.

Travellers who plan to live in rural farming villages are at the highest risk. It is advised that travellers to India get the Japanese encephalitis vaccine before departing.


The rabies vaccine is absolutely essential if you want to spend time outside during your visit to India, especially in rural areas. Young children are particularly vulnerable to rabies infections and animal attacks.

Yellow fever vaccine

Yellow fever is mainly transmitted through mosquito bites. It doesn’t pose a significant problem for visitors to India. It’s not mandatory to have this vaccine before your trip.

But it’s important to be aware that you can be asked to show proof of your yellow fever vaccine if you travelled to a place where the disease is widespread before coming to India.

If you don’t have the documentation when you first arrive, you may be quarantined for up to 6 days. Yellow fever affects the majority of tropical and subtropical nations in South America, Central America, and Africa.

travel vaccines India in Manchester

Will I need a Covid vaccine for travelling to India?

A COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for travellers to India because of the ongoing health emergency. Even though PCR testing is not required for entry into India, travellers who have received at least two doses of the current COVID-19 immunisation and have a valid certificate are exempt from further restrictions.

India does not mandate complete Covid-19 vaccination for visitors. For all international travels, it is, however, strongly recommended.

Get travel vaccines for India in Manchester

Book your appointment with or visit South Manchester Travel Clinic today to get your travel vaccines for India in Manchester.

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This blog post was written on behalf of the South Manchester Travel Clinic by Pharmacy Mentor.