August 5, 2022

How Do You Prevent & Treat Malaria?

Learn about malaria treatment in Manchester before travelling

The bite of a female mosquito can cause a deadly parasite infection called malaria. The parasites, which are tiny, are found in an infected person’s blood. There are different varieties of the malaria parasite even though the infection they cause is the same. Malaria with a “Falciparum” strain causes the most serious infection. Continue reading to learn more about malaria treatment in Manchester.

What makes you at risk of malaria?

Being bitten by anopheles mosquitoes is what causes malaria. It may only take one bite to acquire it. The infection is extremely widespread in some regions of the world.

It’s prevalent in tropical areas, including:

– Large parts of Africa and Asia
– Parts of the Middle East
– Central and South America
– Some Pacific islands
– Dominican Republic and Haiti

Malaria isn’t found in the UK, and you cannot contract it from someone else.

malaria treatment in Manchester

How do you avoid malaria?

Consult a GP, nurse, pharmacist, or travel clinic for advice if you’re going to a region where malaria is present.

The best time to do this is four to six weeks prior to your trip, but you can still seek advice if you need to at the last minute. To lower your risk of contracting malaria, your doctor could prescribe antimalarial medications and advise you on how to avoid mosquito bites.

What are the symptoms of malaria?

Malaria symptoms include but are not limited to:

– A high body temperature, chills, and sweats
– Headaches and confusion
– Feeling drowsy and exhausted (especially in children)
– Experiencing sickness, stomach discomfort, and diarrhoea
– Appetite loss
– Muscle aches
– Whites of the eyes or skin that is yellow
– A cough, sore throat, and breathing issues

These signs typically show up 7 to 18 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. However, on rare occasions, symptoms may not appear for years after returning from a trip.

malaria treatment in Manchester

What’s the best malaria treatment?

Malaria treatment must start right away because it is an emergency. Medicines that prevent malaria (antimalarials) are also used to treat it. Some patients require specialised care and may need to stay in the hospital. Malaria can occasionally return; in this case, further treatment will be required.

What antibiotic is used for malaria treatment?

An antibiotic called doxycycline can also be used to get rid of malaria. In the UK, it can only be obtained with a prescription. It is offered under its generic name as well as being sold under numerous brand names.

This daily pill is the most inexpensive malaria treatment. It’s recommended that you begin taking it one to two days prior to your travel, and you continue taking it for the following four weeks. Upsetting stomach, unpleasant sun reactions, and yeast infections (for women) are common side effects of this medication. Children under the age of eight and pregnant women shouldn’t take doxycycline.

Learn more about malaria tablets in our previous blog post here:

Malaria Tablets

Can malaria go away without treatment?

Due to the loss of red blood cells, malaria may result in anaemia and jaundice (yellow skin and eyes). The infection can grow serious and lead to kidney failure, convulsions, mental confusion, comas, and even death if it’s not properly treated.


What to check ahead of your travel

It’s crucial to research the risk of malaria in the country you’re visiting before you leave.

If you currently reside in the UK but were born or formerly lived in a high-risk country, you are still at risk of contracting malaria.

Book your appointment today for malaria treatment in Manchester and other travel clinic services.

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This blog post was written on behalf of the South Manchester Travel Clinic by Pharmacy Mentor.