June 7, 2022

What Vaccines Do You Need Before Going for Hajj and Umrah?

hajj and umrah vaccines in Manchester

Mass gatherings such as Hajj and Umrah pose significant health risks due to a large number of participants. The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health (MoH) has issued entry visa requirements and advice for pilgrims and seasonal workers attending the Hajj and Umrah festivals in early summer. The recommendations and suggestions may vary from year to year. Continue reading to find out where to get Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Manchester.

What do Hajj and Umrah entail?

Every year, over three million Muslims from all over the world attend Hajj in Mecca. Muslims are required to perform Hajj at least once in their lives if they can afford it and are in good health. On April 9, 2022, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah announced that one million pilgrims from all over the world and from Saudi Arabia would be allowed to attend Hajj 20221443H. Each country will be allowed a certain number of pilgrims to enter Saudi Arabia.

Umrah is a shorter, non-required pilgrimage that Muslims can perform at any time as part of the Hajj ritual. Citizens of the United Kingdom who are considering performing Umrah should monitor the FCDO‘s official social media channels as well as the advice of local authorities.

hajj and umrah vaccines in Manchester

Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Manchester

The following vaccines are based on Hajj requirements by Saudi Arabia from previous years.

Is the meningitis vaccine one of the Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Manchester?

Whoever plans to perform Hajj or Umrah or work seasonally in Saudi Arabia must provide confirmation of meningococcal disease immunisation. They should have proof of a vaccination certificate. The certificate should include vaccination information.

Get Meningitis Vaccine

Polio vaccine

According to the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health, travellers from countries with active transmission of cVDPV2 (circulating wild or vaccine-derived poliovirus 2) and those at risk of polio reintroduction must have a valid polio vaccination certificate.

Vaccination against Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is transmitted via skin and sexual contact. Percutaneous transmission can happen when dirty medical, dental, or other tools are used. To avoid getting hepatitis B, all pilgrims should think about getting vaccinated against it before they leave for Saudi Arabia.

Hajj & Umrah Vaccines

Other required vaccines

There are a number of other required/recommended vaccines. Find out more below:

Yellow Fever Vaccine Diphtheria Vaccine Tetanus Vaccine


You should also consider getting antimalarials in advance of your travels:

Get Antimalarials


Are you required to get the COVID vaccination as part of Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Manchester?

In the case of COVID-19, a huge gathering could accelerate the transmission of the virus and limit the host nation’s ability to respond. Therefore, pilgrims must comply with the prophylactic and control measures put in place by the authorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This is to reduce the risk of transmission and the resulting impact on health facilities. The following are some of the appropriate measures:

– Restrictions on crowd size and management of movement
– Maintaining social distancing
– Respiratory and coughing procedures
– Adhering to hand washing regulations

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah announced on April 9, 2022, that people who want to do Hajj must show proof of:

– The COVID-19 immunisation that has been verified and confirmed by the Saudi Ministry of Health.
– A negative COVID-19 PCR test result within 72 hours of departure for Saudi Arabia.

Before travelling, residents and tourists must submit a Registration Immunisation Form on the Muqeem Portal.

Book your appointment with us today to get your Hajj and Umrah vaccines.

Book Now


This blog post was written on behalf of the South Manchester Travel Clinic by Pharmacy Mentor.